
Baggage wrapping is a well-established habit for air travelers. This is no coincidence, as it has countless benefits, from the physical protection of suitcases to the safety of travelers. Indeed, the benefits of baggage wrapping go far beyond protecting checked baggage from potential damage and loss during transit. Many people don’t realize how a few layers of carefully rolled up film can save not only the suitcase but also the traveler themselves from a lot of trouble and headaches. 

Nevertheless, it is not uncommon for travelers to skip the step of wrapping their pieces of baggage. In this case, too, there are several arguments. One of the most common reasons is the cost of the baggage wrapping service. And it can be quite high, especially at airports. If you are traveling with more than one piece of checked baggage, you will most likely think twice about paying the extra cost. Another increasingly common argument is environmental reasons. 

Which group do you belong to? Do you wrap your suitcase in protective film? And if you decide not to use the option of wrapping your baggage, what is the reason? Be that as it may, in the following article we’ll delve a little deeper into the mysteries of baggage wrapping. We’ll look at some of the most compelling reasons why you should wrap your baggage. We will also find out what stops those who send their bags on a flight without wrapping them. Of course, we will also look at how much it costs to wrap a suitcase. When you’re ready, let’s get started!

What is baggage wrapping?

You may already know that baggage wrapping is a practical way to protect your suitcase from external damage. If you’ve never traveled abroad and don’t know exactly what it means to wrap your suitcase, you can find out below. The process of wrapping a suitcase is very simple. It’s done using a special foiling machine that wraps a flexible plastic film around the suitcase. Also, it is key to ensure that the film fits tightly over the luggage. 

This plastic film is not only flexible but also quite strong. Because it is wrapped several times around your luggage, it prevents the suitcase from being damaged during transport or from being accessed without tearing the film open. In addition, and this is important to note, the film is transparent. So you can easily identify your suitcase when you get to baggage claim. 

Wrap your suitcase at the Best Parking Budapest airport parking office! Fast and reliable baggage wrapping at a budget-friendly price? Look no further! Park your car with us! Take advantage of our brand new baggage wrapping machine, located in our car park office! 

The benefits of baggage wrapping

Now, let’s take a closer look at why you should wrap your checked luggage. As mentioned above, there are a number of compelling reasons. And while some may seem obvious, other arguments in favor of suitcase wrapping may even be surprising. Let’s see!

1. The suitcase may get damaged and crushed during transport

    With good faith and naivety set aside, we believe it’s safe to say that airports do not treat checked baggage with kid gloves. Even if you’re traveling in VIP class, there’s no guarantee that your suitcase will survive without any damage in the process of being transferred, packed, thrown, etc. in transit. Unfortunately, speaking from experience, we have seen more than one or two of our newly purchased suitcases on our travels with dents, scratches, or even more serious damage. 

    Hard-side suitcases are most at risk of dents, abrasions, and breakage. On the other hand soft-side suitcases coated with fabric are most at risk of tearing. And let’s not even talk about stains and dirt. Unfortunately, these are often stains or dirt along with scratches that are impossible to remove. So if you want to get your suitcase back in the condition you parted with it in, you should consider the option of having it wrapped. This will protect the exterior of your suitcases. And you’ll also be able to enjoy using them on your travels for longer.

    2. Soft-side suitcases with a fabric cover can get wet easily

      If this hasn’t happened to you yet, you probably haven’t thought about it. But if you’ve ever seen a baggage car at an airport, you’ll know that these are usually uncovered, flatbed vehicles that carry suitcases packed on top of each other. And, yes, it can rain while they are being transported to the plane. And it takes time to load the suitcases into the aircraft. 

      It may also happen that, for some reason, the loading is delayed, which means that the luggage is left waiting in the rain next to the plane. If you’re traveling with a textile-lined suitcase or other bag, there’s a good chance that a heavy downpour will soak the fabric, including your belongings. And arriving on a trip with wet, soggy clothes is not a pleasant experience for anyone. To protect yourself from this eventuality, it’s worth checking the weather conditions both before you leave and when you arrive. And if you think there’s a chance of heavy showers, you might want to consider wrapping your suitcase in plastic film.

      Don’t neglect to wrap your checked baggage anymore! Protect your suitcases and bags from external damage during transport simply and easily! Look for our baggage wrapping machine at Best Parking, where you can wrap your bags with flexible and durable film in seconds. What’s more, if you book your parking online with us, you can choose to have your baggage wrapped at the time of booking!

      3. Foreign hands and smuggling

        You didn’t think of that, did you? But the sad news is that unfortunately, you have to expect this when you travel with checked baggage. Crime can happen anywhere and at any time, even in the most strictly controlled places. The airport, despite being a highly secured and monitored place, is unfortunately still one of the favorite playgrounds for smugglers. One of the most common crimes is drug smuggling, and you don’t want to fall victim to it. Never underestimate these criminals. Especially because there are many deterrent examples of this happening. 

        While you are less likely to be at risk in Hungary when you travel abroad or even to another continent the risk of falling victim to similar crime is immediately increased. Therefore, if you are traveling abroad and may have transit stops along the way, it is worth being even more careful and taking advantage of a baggage wrapping service. Unwrapped luggage left unattended can easily be accessed by unauthorized hands. Of course, it has to be said that even the protective film does not guarantee 100% security, as it can be easily cut through, but it takes a lot more time and skill to sneak something into a wrapped suitcase. 

        4. It is less likely to be pulled aside to check your wrapped bag

          If you find the security process at the airport daunting and don’t want to spend any more time on it than necessary, baggage wrapping might be your best choice. There’s no need to think of anything bad here. Professional machines at the airport are able to screen your luggage whether it’s wrapped or not, so if you try to unwittingly bring dangerous or unauthorized items onto the plane, you’ll be spotted anyway. 

          However, if you don’t want to spend time being pulled aside and having your baggage checked, it’s worth having it wrapped before security. Unless there are reasonable grounds for suspicion, security won’t open and search your bag when it is wrapped. This means you are guaranteed to get through security screening faster.  

          5. In some cases, baggage wrapping comes with baggage liability and tracking

            Before we go into this in more depth, we must mention that this is usually considered a premium service, which you can usually get at airports. What exactly does this mean? Well, if you choose a baggage wrapping package that includes baggage liability, the story is pretty simple. In the event that your checked luggage is damaged or lost during your trip, you’ll be compensated. The amount of this compensation will usually be notified to you in advance. 

            As for tracking, it offers exactly what you hear. By using a sticker or code, the baggage wrapping company undertakes to track your checked baggage for a predetermined period of time. If your suitcase goes missing during your trip, this will help you easily find out where it got lost. It’s definitely a useful service to take advantage of if you want to be covered just in case. However, you should be prepared for the fact that these services can significantly increase the cost of suitcase wrapping. 

            How much does the baggage wrapping service cost at the Budapest Airport? 

            According to the latest information from Budapest Liszt Ferenc International Airport, the baggage wrapping services at the airport are available in the following qualities and prices:

            Additional services include a separate tracking service, which costs HUF 1,500 per suitcase (around 4 euros). 

            How much does it cost to wrap your suitcase at Best Parking Budapest airport parking lot?

            As mentioned above, we have managed to equip our Best Parking Budapest airport parking lot with a baggage wrapping machine right after the opening. We received great feedback from our guests, who were very happy to have the possibility to wrap their baggage with protective film before their journey started, after parking the car. And, of course, we haven’t forgotten about the budget-friendly pricing either. While it costs 4,200 HUF to wrap a suitcase at Budapest airport, you can do the same at Best Parking for just 2,500 HUF. The film that our machine dispenses is high quality, durable, and flexible, offering perfect protection for your luggage. 

            What are the reasons against the use of a baggage wrapping service?

            Our article would not be complete without mentioning the arguments against baggage wrapping. Let’s look at the 3 most common reasons why travelers fail to wrap their checked luggage:

            1. Environmental reasons

              To be honest, we don’t want to question the importance of the environment. For many people, going green is not just an everyday habit, but they also live by it when it comes to special occasions such as travel. Of course, it is legitimate to ask how environmentally friendly flying is as a form of travel in itself, but that does not mean that we cannot make other choices and decisions to help protect the environment. 

              It is no secret that the film used to wrap pieces of baggage is made of plastic and there is no denying that it will end up in the trash after the trip (unless you find a creative way to reuse, or recycle it). It’s up to each of us to make our own choices about how we live our lives and travel. 

              2. Financial reasons

                As you may have noticed, baggage wrapping, especially at airports, can be a costly affair. As with environmental reasons, not wrapping a suitcase for financial reasons is a personal matter, a personal choice. It can be particularly burdensome when traveling with multiple checked bags. However, when you want to save on the cost of the film, it is also worth considering how much you risk losing if your checked baggage suffers serious damage during the trip. 

                In many cases, it’s better to wrap your cherished, newly purchased suitcase than to regret the way the airline returned it after a few hours’ flight. However, there are alternative solutions that can reduce the cost of baggage wrapping. One of these is the possibility of baggage wrapping in our parking lot, which is available at a much more affordable price compared to airport prices. If you would like to wrap your luggage in plastic wrap, but don’t want to pay nearly twice as much for it at the airport, we welcome you at our Best Parking Budapest office at 150 Széchenyi Street in Vecsés!

                3. Ignoring the risks

                  Although we have exhausted the subject of the above-mentioned benefits, we must mention this reason, as it is undeniably one of the most common, or perhaps the most common reasons why travelers send their luggage on board without any external protection. We hope that we have managed to provide you with the right information on why you should opt for baggage wrapping and what potential dangers you can avoid by doing so. As you have seen, unfortunately, there are plenty of dangers. Whether it’s the environmental impact, weather damage or damage caused by careless packing or throwing, unfortunately, your baggage can be damaged for a myriad of unexpected reasons. And let’s not forget crime, whereby unauthorized dangerous goods or illicit substances can be smuggled into your unsealed checked baggage, which can leave you open to prosecution. 

                  Baggage wrapping service at Best Parking Budapest airport parking office

                  If the information in this article has led you to decide that you would like to have your checked baggage wrapped for your next trip, we would like to recommend the baggage wrapping machine at Best Parking Budapest Airport Parking. In addition to a more reasonable and cheaper price, you can also save time and money. You don’t need to spend extra time at the airport to get your suitcase wrapped, and you’re ready to go through security. Remember, if you book your parking space online, you can add the option of baggage wrapping to your basket when you make your reservation. And if you need any help with the process, our parking staff are always at your service!